Sunday, November 14, 2010

Almost Completed

This shows the landscaping on the southwest front
The west face with sod
The east face with sod
Ramada with grassy area
Showing the interior lighting of the chapel

Friday, November 12, 2010

Exterior Photos - November 9, 2010

I just took these photos earlier this week. It's taken me a few days to post. Since then I notice sod has been placed. I need to update with the new grass. How beautiful it looks!
This is taken from the north east corner of the parking lot.

This one is from the north west corner. The next photo I take and post will have sod.

Looking to the west on the north side of the lot is the ramada.

This is taken from the south west corner.

This shows the east door from the south.

Some Interior Pictures

A view of the chapel from the back.
Side view of the chapel

From the podium looking into the cultural hall.

The cultural hall.


Another view of the library

A classroom - or two.

More Interior Pictures

This is the Primary Room. This door opens to a hallway. If you walk straight ahead, you enter the Relief Society room across the hall. If you turn right, you can exit the building.
This is the Relief Society Room door to the hallway across from the Primary Room.
This is the Relief Society room opposite end from the hallway. Notice the door that is an exit to outside.
A nice mother's room for changing diapers and there will be a sofa for nursing.
This shows an area that can be divided into multiple class rooms. Maybe the Young Women's area? Notice the door on the left - it opens to the kitchen.
The kitchen.

Looking from the kitchen to what I think will be the Young Women's rooms.